A message from the Council
Greetings to tribal citizens of the Saponi-Catawba Nation of the Ohio Valley and to prospective members,
My name is Melanie Levy and I am the Secretary and Spokeswoman on the tribal council. We are in the process of bringing our people back home and updating tribal records. Please use the following link to add the names of each family member, your phone number (cell and home number), email, and any documents showing prior membership to the
Saponi-Catawba Nation of the Ohio Valley. Thank you for helping us to streamline the information of our tribal citizens. We are looking forward to connecting with our relations. Blessings to you all. A’ho.
In order to become a member of the tribe you must fill out the online application above, fill it out accordingly, and submit when you finished the form. Please note that there are two types of members, Full member and Honorary member. Honorary members are people who do not have blood ties but have family ties to the tribe. For example, if you are married to a full tribal member, but you do not have blood ties to the tribe yourself. Honorary members should request a separate online application from:saponicatawba1@outlook.com
The process could take roughly six weeks or more based on volume.
We look forward to welcoming new brothers and sisters!
Moving forward the council has voted to set up an enrollment period each year to help keep things more organized.
The enrollment period will be open between January through March of each year.
Tribal Position application
This application has been removed and is only available to get from council spokesperson Melanie Levy voice message:https://wpvoicemail.com/record/widget/2209